Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Gratitude – The Basis for Ethics 287

for these gifts should be expressed in our work. It goes almost without
saying that the concentrated use of our senses, energy and resources
leads to greater impact, and the story of David and Goliath is one of
many that describe this.

  • Becoming aware of strengths
    I think it is an act of gratitude when we become aware of the
    strengths that we have as creatures and as people who act. We can use
    various types of analysis to deepen our own assessment and make it
    more objective. Of course, weaknesses should not be forgotten. What is
    important is that I build on strengths, and develop my talents.

  • Focussing the company on its strengths
    I look back with deep gratitude to the successful launch of our com-
    pany. The six founders were all in management positions in a regular
    Swiss company active in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning
    sector. The company was one of about 20 in the global market, and was
    developing its strategy for the future. Our proposal was to find a market
    niche and to be a leader there. This proposal was rejected by manage-
    ment and the directors, they wanted to be leaders across the board.
    The six founders started a new niche company with the clear objec-
    tive of becoming the world champion for damper adjustment within ten
    years. The founders were able to contribute their strengths in develop-
    ment, manufacturing and sales, and to make use of their senses, energy
    and resources in a focussed way.

  • Grateful for good cooperation
    Nobody in the market had been waiting for the new company just to
    come along. As a specialist for damper adjustment we had to gain the
    confidence of customers through better products and services. The high
    ethical values which we have maintained as a company even in difficult

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