Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Modesty in Leadership 297

her article, Humility: The most Beautiful Word in the English Language,
Bruna Martinuzz lists characteristics of successful, modest humility in
leadership. According to her, a modest leader, “directs ego away from
self toward larger goals; realizes no one individual knows it all and
therefore seeks input from others; recognizes others’ contributions,
treats all with respect; shuns public accolade; self-effacing; not arrogant;
not boastful; and is quiet.” What these characteristics signify is that a
modest, humble leader considers himself or herself successful by redi-
recting credit and fully taking responsibility for results. Very often suc-
cessful leaders who embrace modesty and humility do possess quiet
charisma, and quiet confidence. Although they are conscience about
their self- worth and their great achievements, they, nevertheless, do not
consider it as something about which to boast or take pride in.
There is an interesting dichotomy in the lives of modest leaders. Ac-
cording to Martinuzz, “the higher people rise, the more they have ac-
complished, the higher the humility index. Those who achieve the most,
brag the least, and the more secure they are in themselves, the more
humble they are.” This echoes Edwards Halifaxi’s view that, “True mer-
it is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.” These are
among the virtues of leaders who clothe themselves in modesty and hu-
mility. Still another mark of leaders who practice humility is their way
of treating others. They treat others with respect regardless of position or
station in life. Jesus of Nazareth, who was the epitome of modesty and
humility, was always accused of keeping company of sinners and the

24.3 Sacrifice and Modesty in Leadership

It is a common belief that a good leader is one who is above the rest,
and especially those one leads. And that good leadership requires safe
distance from those we are called to lead; a kind of aloof professional-

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