Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

326 Global Ethics for Leadership

and Corruption control.”^247 IntegrityAction has a short formula:
I=a(A+C+E)-c. This can be read as “integrity equals actions based on
accountability/responsibility, competence, ethics and is corruption-free”.

26.9 Conclusion

Virtue ethics is an important pillar of ethics, especially in the era of
globalisation and relativism where certain key virtues in human relations
are getting weaker and less and less respected. The Christian ethics can
unveil the wisdom of biblical virtues without pushing it into legalism,
theologically speaking, into making it as the law replacing the gospel.
Jesus Christ’s teachings are to free the believers and help them to be-
come and remain truthful individuals. Virtue ethics based on the free
teachings of the gospel and the mercy of God is possible. Integrity is of
course a core virtue in all ethical value systems and all world religions.
In this article we concentrated on the Christian perspective. An interreli-
gious comparison would be worth to elaborate.
Integrity is a sum of several virtues such as honesty, responsibility,
gratitude among others. Integrity has a great relevance as a key virtue in
many sectors on society such as: politics, economy, culture, education,
media and especially in anti-corruption policies.
Christian ethics can bring more contribution to a deeper understand-
ing of integrity. Churches can and must enforce integrity by pastoral
support to the faithful, by protecting persons who are exposed or endan-
gered by their truthful actions, and by enforcing structures and mecha-
nisms of institutions, economic entities and political actions in favour of


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