Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Global Ethics – Scenarios for the Future 33

influence or domination from outside this entity. Model 6 called Glocal-
isation combines global values with local implementation. The perspec-
tive is global, but it can become concrete only on the ground. It is anoth-
er form of contextualisation.

2.6 Three Theories of Global Ethics

There are various theoretical concepts of global ethics (on the level
of meta-ethics: reflections about the methodology of ethics^9 ). Three
main theories can be summarized as follows (It is not the place here for
a detailed and critical validation of the three):

a) Essentialist Theory

  • Morality and values are essentially determined by the true nature
    of some aspects of the world

  • The Moral order is the extension of the natural order/natural law

  • Ethical values are therefore universal
    b) Convergence Theory

  • Behind different contextual values is a convergence of principles

  • Descriptive model within this theory: common principles exist,
    visible or invisible

  • Normative model within this theory: common principles should
    be developed.
    c) Contractual Theory

  • a value/norm is binding for those who have consented to it

  • People‘s consent is necessary and sufficient for the justification
    of a value/norm.

See also Hentsch, Ariane / Premawardhana, Shanta, Sharing Values. A Herme-
neutics for Global Ethics, Geneva: Globethics Publications, 2011.

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