Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

34 Global Ethics for Leadership

Example of the Convergence Theory

The Russian Governance and Policy Analysis Centre in Moscow de-
veloped a theory that claims human civilisation at the beginning was
unified, then over the thousands of years diversified in various civilisa-
tions which included diversity of value systems. But will convergence in
the far future, after thousands of years, again unite to one civilisation
and value system?

Source: Governance and Problem Analysis Centre, Moscow, 2010

2.7 Examples for Global Ethics Declarations

Global Ethics is not only a theory, but was put into declarations, ac-
tion plans and thus serves as benchmark for orientation and action. The
following are five examples of international global ethics efforts and

a) Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  • Core fundamental values to be respected in form of rights

  • Based mainly on contractual ethics, agreed by the community of
    UN member states

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