Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Justice – Chinese Moral Leadership 365

cedural justice, i.e. substantive justice will be rather hollow without pro-
cedural justice. Traditional leaders who focus on utilitarianism and con-
sequentialism don’t pay enough attention to the process. Such idea on
the one hand, produces immediate effects, but on the other makes the
social life volatile. In the latter case, the benefits of organisation mem-
bers will be jeopardized as many would choose “ends justify the
means”. It is common in the society that various passionate campaigns
by “amassing all resources for a great project” are posing challenges to
routine operation of an organisation and even disruption to social order.
Therefore, to establish and optimise the authority and effectiveness of
the process is vital to responsible leadership.

28.7 Leaders as Role Models

Traditional leadership values general talents while modern leaders
focus more on talents with specific expertise. According to Peter Druck-
er, leadership, except general analysing and communication ability, is
unable to be transferred to other organisations. Socrates had a dialogue
with Plato about the event that the Athenians elected a successful mer-
chant who had never had any military training as a general. They con-
cluded that Athenians made the right choice because merchants have
many qualities to be the general. However, the conclusion was proved to
be wrong as the Athenian troops often ran away from the battlefield led
by the “general”. Similarly, an excellent political leader won’t necessari-
ly do well in a company, and vice versa. If a political leader takes a tem-
porary work on the grass-root level or takes office in a company in
haste, he or she may not perform well as expected, due to a lack of un-
derstanding of requirements from the social division for leaders’ exper-
tise. For instance, what leaders say should be practical rather than cliché,
which also indicates that the criterion for moral evaluation should be

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