Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Global Values in Business 375

er this would have been the case or not. But just supposing it was, would
it have been right to fire a genius for behaviour? That is a difficult ques-
tion to answer. Corporate life is not the place for those who cannot take
a certain amount of stress and display some backbone and resistance,
because there will be tough decisions that have to be taken. But the
counter argument is that a bullying genius may well destroy others who
are not just humans, but who given the opportunity and encouragement
may be an equally valuable source of ideas. Who knows? I would rather
err on the side of humanity and create the sort of environment where
both types can flourish.
In my experience, if a manager is failing in some way and making
life difficult for those in his or her team, those in the organisation expect
higher management to do something about it. They expect firm action,
but they also want the action taken in a way which still shows respect
for the individual. Likewise, if cutting costs is essential to the health of
an organisation and involves reducing staff numbers, this too must be
done with respect. And that does not just mean not sending out redun-
dancy notices by text message; it means careful evaluation and individu-
al consideration, as well as supporting those leaving in the search for
new positions. It is salutary, as well as sometimes quite encouraging, to
review the current status of those who left a year or two after the event.

29.3.2 Values of the Prime Minister

Although many people forget it, corporations and the people in them
are a part of society. So it is not surprising that the same issue arises in
other parts of society. I recall what for me was a seminal experience in
the 2000 fuel crisis in the UK. In that year transport fuel prices had risen
to heights which were causing great public unrest. Road transport fuel
prices in the UK are made up of both actual fuel cost and various forms
of excise duty and taxation such that taxes make up three quarters or

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