Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Global Values in Business 383

same time with a joint farewell party. Barbara is more or less the same
age as I am (although she looks a good fifteen years younger than I do),
but she joined the company straight out of school. Shell (and indeed the
country) was very different then. Barbara remembers being in the typing
pool and having to ask to be excused if she needed to go to the toilet.
Not more than twice in the morning was expected. In those days when
alcohol was drunk at lunch time she also remembers whose offices were
off limits on a Friday afternoon if she had to deliver typed letters to
those who had dictated them. Barbara had been the assistant of the
Chairman of Shell in London for many years, alternating with a col-
league. Each would serve until their Chairman retired and then revert to
being the assistant of the number two until the succession changed. So
Barbara and I worked together for many years, and her contribution and
support were invaluable.
To celebrate her forty years in the company, we organised a small
reception. To be strictly accurate, Barbara organised it. She also decided
on the guest list of our colleagues. When making a speech, I looked
around the faces. They were a complete cross section of those working
in London, from Managing Directors, through Division Heads, to
maintenance people, security people and receptionists. But the list was
very selective and I could see immediately the common characteristic. I
was able to say to them that they had all clearly passed Barbara’s very
tough test of competence and commitment. They were all people who
delivered what they said they were going to do and who could be relied
upon completely. That did not mean that they were always achieved
perfect results. If they failed for a good reason, Barbara would arrange
things so that they were covered. They were part of a team. My col-
leagues and I at the top of Shell were subject to the same evaluation. She
might not say anything, but you could see from a flicker of an expres-
sion if she had her doubts. Any large organisation only works if people
at all levels can be relied on to play their particular part, whatever level

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