Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

38 Global Ethics for Leadership

  • Responsibility

  • Moderation (liberated from greed)

  • Faithfulness etc.
    It is obvious that this last scenario is my vision I work for. This book
    aims at being a contribution to strengthen these global values and vir-

2.9 The Common Good as Common Value

One core value which exists in most of the cultures and religions
around the world is the notion of the “Common Good”. As human be-
ings live in communities and depend on communities, values can never
be only individual. The Common Good is a communitarian approach to

1 Common Good West Christianity
2 Ubuntu Africa Traditional
3 Kyosei Japan Shintoism
4 Da Tong China Confucianism
5 Jew + Yi China Taoism
6 Lokasangraha India Hinduism
7 Cidadania Latin America Political
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