Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1




Towards the Humanization of the New

Possibilities of Human Communication

Magali do Nascimento Cunha, Brazil

The Latin American methodology "See, Judge and Act" is the basis
for this reflection of global values in the age of convergence. The first
part of the chapter reflects the "see", what is before us who live in the
so-called "culture of convergence", the one that makes it possible for
transformations in the way of being and living in all parts of the world,
but that brings significant changes for human communication. The sec-
ond part of the text presents the “judge”, approaching the critical aspects
related to the mediatization of human relations, a sense that reveals a
portrait of contemporaneity for the "Act", which makes up the third sec-
tion, seeking ways to point to a consistent relationship between media
communication and global values in the age of convergence.

30.1 To See: what is Before Us...

The word comunicare has its origins in Latin, which means “making
something common”, the action of making ideas (knowledge, infor-
mation, opinions) and feelings common. Herein lies a dimension of the
inter. From the moment that the human being makes ideas and feelings

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