Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Global Ethics – Scenarios for the Future 39

2.10 Speed Matters

Ethics in general and global ethics in particular cannot be separated
from time and speed of development and transformation.
Today, with accelerated globalisation since the 1990s in a unipolar
world and with new information and communication technologies, eco-
nomic and technological globalisation developed very quickly. But regu-
lation and legislation on national and international levels is much slower
due to democratic processes. Value-changes as behavioural changes are
by definition even slower. It takes often a generation or more to change

1 Myself
2 Inner Family: partner, children
3 Broader Family: Clan
4 Professional Community: team
5 Neighbourhood: village, quarter
6 Religious Community: parish/temple
7 Peers: sport, ethnic, interest groups
8 Professional Community: company
9 Nation: state, peoples,
10 Regions: EU, Asia
11 All Religions: world spirituality
12 Humankind: all human beings
Dark Blue
13 Biosphere: all living beings
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