Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

408 Global Ethics for Leadership

32.1 Introduction

In my work with international organizations, international financial
institutions, and other multi-lateral organizations, I always ask, “What is
it like to work here?” That simple question reveals deep insights into
organizational culture. The answers I receive tell me how the people
who make up these institutions feel about themselves, how they describe
their identities, how they communicate, and how they perform work.
Their responses provide insight into the organizational cultures in which
they work. Why? These answers describe the social norms and rules of
behavior that express shared beliefs about identity, how work is accom-
plished, and how individuals relate to each other. In other words, an-
swering the question “What is it like to work here,” tells us who we are,
how we behave, and how we feel good about ourselves.
Employees - called staff in all international organizations - often
speak of the mission of their agency or organization, in awe-inspiring
terms. “We save lives,” “We help countries follow the rule of law,” “We
protect human rights of those that societies forget,” “We help refugees
when there is no home left for them,” and “We keep the peace and build
peace” are all typical expressions. Staff feel deeply possessive and ex-
ceptionally proud of their agency’s missions. Yet, when I dig more
deeply, and ask about values and ethics, my interlocutors grow silent.
Maybe, they are unsure whether it is safe to respond; perhaps they are
uncomfortable talking about ethics; or more likely, they may be con-
In these conversations, I listen for what people say about their shared
values and beliefs—the foundational expression of core understandings
about human behavior. Then, I probe deeper, to identify shared under-
standings about right and wrongful behavior. And it is at this point that
the reality experienced by UN staff meets the plethora of expressions
about values and ethics that they have read and heard during their em-

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