Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

40 Global Ethics for Leadership

In the future, we need more harmonisation of the three speeds, the
economic-technological, the political and the ethical (see graph
low^15 ). It needs (a) an acceleration of globalised politics and regulations
(cybercrime, artificial intelligence and biotechnology are only exam-
ples), (b) more and accelerated efforts for global ethics, (dialogue on
values such as interreligious dialogue, mutual understanding by common
action, values-education), and (c) a deceleration of the globalisation of
the global economy and technological innovation where appropriate.
If this is harmonisation and synchronisation of the development
speeds between these sectors is not happening, then tensions arise, a
phenomenon we already see them in a violent and threatening way: new
protectionism, nationalism, ethnicism and populism which mobilises
against globalisation and global values.

Global economy Global politics Global ethics

Global economy Global politics Global ethics

Graphs from Stückelberger, Christoph, Global Trade Ethics. An Illustrated
Overview, Geneva: WCC, 2002, 18 and 158.

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