Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

412 Global Ethics for Leadership

bly (A/67/30). Though the ICSC seemed in 2009 in favor of adopting a
code of ethics for all international civil servants that articulated a short
list of ethical virtues (ICSC/69/R.3)^319 , the Standards as adopted in 2013
include only the following articulation:

The international civil service bears responsibility for translating
these ideals into reality. It relies on the great traditions of public
administration that have grown up in member States: compe-
tence, integrity, impartiality, independence and discretion. But
over and above this, international civil servants have a special
calling: to serve the ideals of peace, respect for fundamental
rights, economic and social progress, and international coopera-
What are these inherent ethical principles that reflect the “great tradi-
tions” of public administration?^320

  • Competence

  • Integrity

  • Impartiality

  • Independence

  • Discretion

As proposed by the Ethics Committee of the UN in 2008 and as endorsed by
the Secretary General in 2009, a system-wide code of ethics would have includ-
ed the following ethical virtues (“values” in the lingo of the UN): independence,
loyalty, impartiality, integrity, accountability and respect for human rights.
Though this Code was presented to the General Assembly through the legislative
process, the document was never seriously considered for adoption. 320
Even these seminal documents fail to distinguish values from virtues. Is the
ICSC referring to traditions that describe the moral principles of the internation-
al organizations or the ethical beliefs and behaviours expected of staff who work
within those organizations? The main text of the Standards of Conduct focuses
on individual behaviour, and uses the language of “ought” in describing how
staff members should comport themselves, both on the job and off the job. It is
highly unlikely that the ICSC considers within its remit any consideration of
organizational values, per se.

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