Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

414 Global Ethics for Leadership

  • Integrity

  • Independence

  • Efficiency

  • Competence

32.2.4 Competences for the Future

Let us examine just one more seminal document to illustrate the sur-
feit of articulations, and the dearth of a unifying and simple list. In a
document called, Competencies for the Future^321 , the United Nations
articulated a lengthy wish list of individual behavioural competencies
that it believed should drive its staffing plans to recruit and select em-
ployees. The Competencies document outlines in strongly behaviourly
driven terms how individuals should conduct themselves and, as a result,
how the organization should recruit, select and promote them. However,
included is a section entitled Core Values—which are obviously organi-
zational in focus—and are described as:

  • Integrity

  • Professionalism

  • Respect for Diversity
    It strikes me as peculiar that respect for diversity in recruitment and
    selection, which elevates consciousness of the immutable characteristics
    that can differentiate individuals, is identified as a core value for human
    resources professionals, but respect for individuals, communities, and
    human rights is not even considered. Diversity is not an individual vir-
    tue; it describes the results of hiring practices that are neutral and even-
    handed in application.


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