Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

422 Global Ethics for Leadership

b. Setting and disseminating standards for appropriate professional
c. Providing leadership, management and oversight of the United
Nations ethics infrastructure.^328
Three weeks later on 28 November 2005, the Secretary-General ex-
panded his proposal, outlining the four primary duties of this new office.
These included administration of the UN’s financial disclosure pro-
gramme, protection of staff against retaliation, provision of confidential
ethics advice and guidance; and development of ethics standards and
On 8 December 2005, some of the lofty aspirations of the World
Summit Outcome met the practical realities of UN bureaucracy, habit,
and decision-making. The Advisory Committee on Administrative and
Budgetary Questions of the General Assembly issued its opinion and
guidance, inserting a measured and somewhat less enthusiastic view.
They indicated that the services of the proposed Ethics Office were not
necessarily new and could in fact already be offered by other offices and
units. This body recommended that the framework, budget, and staffing
for the new ethics office be substantially modified. The Committee’s
conservative viewpoint was reflected in the direct and fairly skeptical
tone of their report.^330
The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Ques-
tions reiterated its concerns less than one week later.^331 Perhaps the not-
yet-born Ethics Office was caught in a separate political discussion; per-
haps the Secretary-General’s proposal was too bold and too broad for
See A/60/537, Report of the Secretary-General on the 2005 World Summit
Outcome, paragraphs 8 329 -13.
See A/60/568, Report of the Secretary-General, Implementation of decisions
from the 2005 World Summit Outcome, paragraphs 2-6, and Appendix I. 330
See A/60/7/Add.13, Fourteenth Report of the Advisory Committee on Ad-
ministrative and Budgetary Questions: 2005 World Summit Outcome, para-
graphs 17- 331 25.
See A/60/7/Add.23, paragraphs 3-9.

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