Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

42 Global Ethics for Leadership

  • Responsibility: We strengthen responsible decisions and actions
    in private, professional and public life.

  • Sharing: We promote the mutual sharing of global and contextual
    ethical concerns and perspectives.

  • Respect: We respect and affirm the dignity of every person and
    the diversity of cultures, religions and life orientations.

  • Inclusion: We are engaged for overcoming exclusion of margin-
    alized and for inclusive, participatory societies.

  • Justice/Fairness: We promote equality and justice especially in
    access to resources

  • Integrity: We are committed to integrity, honesty, openness,
    transparency and accountability which build trust.
    Global values and virtues balanced with contextual values and vir-
    tues is not a static building. It is a constant, dynamic process of interac-
    tion of human beings, institutions, states and movements. Everybody
    can contribute to values-driven behaviour as a contribution to a humane
    and sustainable world!

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