Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Freedom – with Boundaries 59

can describe this limitation of freedom, following Peter Bieri, in saying
that each human being makes use of their freedom only within the lim-
ited scope at their disposal to exercise this freedom. These limitations
can be described in more detail by reference to three factors: opportuni-
ties, means and one's own abilities.
However widely I conceive of the opportunities to make use of my
freedom, they are also finite. Moreover, making use of such opportuni-
ties always means renouncing other opportunities. Particularly forceful
decisions that go with my idea of a good, fulfilled life also demand a
forceful renunciation, in this case the exclusion of other possibilities.
On closer examination, the exclusion of particular opportunities is
also related to the means that are at my disposition. Often the question
of the opportunities of which I make use is determined by my material
resources. Whether I can begin to study, the subject or the university
that I choose depends to a significant extent on my financial resources.
Whether or not I start a family and the number of children I would like
to have, depends on whether I am able to provide for such a family.
Finally, the issue of what I decide to do also depends on my abilities.
I may be mistaken about my abilities; I may also underestimate the de-
mands of a particular action or a particular way of life. However, I al-
ways relate what I intend to do to what I believe I am capable of.

4.3 Lack of Freedom

Freedom, looked at more closely, finds concrete expression not
simply in what I am free to do, but often only through the conditions
under which it takes shape. Such conditions may not only promote free-
dom; they may also limit freedom or even contradict freedom. The long-
ing for freedom finds concrete expression for the most part through the
experience of a lack of freedom.
What George Herbert Mead formulated almost a century ago in rela-
tion to so-called natural rights applies also to freedom. The contents of

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