Design Patterns Java™ Workbook

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 13. Flyweight

Figure 13.4. The ChemicalFactory_1 class is a flyweight factory that returns
Chemical objects.

package com.oozinoz.chemical;
import java.util.*;
public class ChemicalFactory_1
private static Map chemicals = new HashMap();
new Chemical_1("Carbon", "C", 12));
new Chemical_1("Sulfur", "S", 32));
new Chemical_1("Saltpeter", "KN03", 101));

public static Chemical getChemical(String name)
return (Chemical) chemicals.get(name.toLowerCase());

Having created a factory for chemicals, you now have to take steps to ensure that other
developers use this factory instead of instantiating the Chemical_1 class themselves. A
simple approach is to rely on the visibility of the Chemical_1 class.

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