Design Patterns Java™ Workbook

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 19. Memento

is a list of machine simulators. The restore() method for FactoryModel takes this list
as an argument and looks something like this:

public void restore(List memento)
machines = new ArrayList();
Iterator i = memento.iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
MachineImage mi = (MachineImage);

When the user clicks the Undo button, the visualization's undo() method pops the most
recent memento, discarding the state to undo. Then this method restores the simulation from
the memento at the top of the stack. Finally, this method disables the Undo button if the stack
contains only the initial memento.


Write the code for the visualization's undo() method.

In this example, a clone of a MachineImage object contains all the state information you
need to later set the object back to that state. Furthermore, a FactoryModel object needs
only a collection of clones of its machine images to store the state it needs to restore to in an
undo() operation. When clones are available and they store the information you need to
create a memento, you can apply MEMENTO using clones. In other cases, you may need to
create a special class, such as FactoryMemento, to store the state of a factory model.

Persisting Mementos across Sessions..................................................................................................

A session occurs when a user runs a program, conducts transactions in the program, and exits.
Suppose that your users want to be able to save a simulation in one session and restore it in
another session. This ability is a matter normally referred to as persistent storage. Persistent
storage fulfills the intent of the MEMENTO pattern and is a natural extension to the undo
functionality you have already implemented.

Suppose that you subclass the Visualization class with a Visual-ization2 class^1 that
has a menu bar with a File menu. This menu offers Save and Load commands that you link to
action methods:

(^1) The Visualization2 class's name ends with a number but no underscore, to indicate that it is a revision but not a class
that will be refactored.

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