Design Patterns Java™ Workbook

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 28. Iterator

public abstract int depth();
public abstract boolean hasNext();
public abstract Object next();

The ComponentIterator class includes a visited set that can keep track of whether
an iterator has already traversed a node in a composite. For example, the aerial shell process
flow starts with a composite make step that contains a rework step that contains, again, the
make step. When you write an iterator for a composite that may contain cycles, you must
ensure that you do not step into an infinite loop.

As with composites, the terminal class for a composite iterator is comparatively simple:

package com.oozinoz.util;
import java.util.*;
public class LeafIterator extends ComponentIterator

public LeafIterator(Object node, Set visited)
super(node, visited);
public int depth()
return 0;

public boolean hasNext()
return !visited.contains(node);
public Object next()
if (visited.contains(node))
return null;
return node;

Note that the depth of an iterator is different from the depth of a node in a tree.

The depth of an iterator depends on the depth of its subiterator. Leaf iterators do not have
subiterators, so their depth is always 0. The value of depth() for a CompositeIterator
object is 1 plus the depth of its subiterator:

public int depth()
if (subiterator != null)
return subiterator.depth() + 1;
return 0;

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