Design Patterns Java™ Workbook

(Michael S) #1
Appendix B. Solutions

Proxy (Chapter 11).....................................................................................................................................

SOLUTION 11.1....................................................................................................................................

The image-display methods of ImageIconProxy forward their calls to the current image:

public int getIconHeight()
return current.getIconHeight();

public int getIconWidth()
return current.getIconWidth();

public synchronized void paintIcon(
Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y)
current.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);

SOLUTION 11.2....................................................................................................................................

The load() method sets the image to Loading..., whereas the run() method, executing in a
separate thread, loads the desired image:

public void load(JFrame callbackFrame)
this.callbackFrame = callbackFrame;
new Thread(this).start();

public void run()
setImage(new ImageIcon(filename).getImage());

SOLUTION 11.3....................................................................................................................................

As the class diagram shows, a RocketImpl constructor accepts a price and an apogee:

Rocket biggie = new RocketImpl(29.95, 820);

You could declare biggie to be of type RocketImpl. However, what is important about
biggie is that it fulfills the Rocket interface that a client will look for.

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