Appendix C. UML at a Glance...................................................................................................................
Appendix C. UML at a Glance
This appendix briefly explains the features of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) that
this book uses. UML provides conventional notation that this book applies to illustrate
the design of object-oriented systems. Although UML is not overly complex, you can easily
underestimate the richness of the features it provides. For a rapid introduction to most of
the features of the UML, read UML Distilled (Fowler with Scott 2000). For a more thorough
review, read The Unified Modeling Language User Guide (Booch, Rumbaugh, and Jacobson
1999). By learning to use standard nomenclatures and notations, we learn to communicate at
a design level, making us all more productive.
Figure C.1 applies some of the UML features for illustrating classes. Following are notes on
class diagrams.
Figure C.1. The fireworks package includes the Firework and Classification