Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

panoramic photographs

Panavue ImageAssembler
This stitching package allows users to ‘fl ag’
precise details in the edges of overlapping
images so that the stitches can be made more
effi ciently and effectively. It allows for slight
‘tilts’ or horizontal inaccuracies in the shooting
process. Instead of requiring you to crop the
unwanted stairs that appear on the edge of a
panorama made with such images it allows for
the whole image to be realigned giving a more
realistic and usable result.
Interestingly Panavue has also included a fl at
‘image stitcher’ in the package for all those
times when you try to scan an image larger
than your scanner.

iSee Photovista Panorama
Available for both Macintosh and Windows
platforms this product allows a series of images
to be stitched together to form a complete
zoomable 360 degree image. The software
takes into account that most such panoramas
will be viewed on line by optimizing fi le size for
limited bandwidth applications. For those of
you who aren’t lucky enough to already have
a stitching utility this could be your fi rst step to
creating panoramic images.

RealViz Stitcher
RealViz Stitcher is one of the most powerful
panorama makers out there. It is a professional
program whose strength comes from the
sophistication of a stitching engine that is
capable of producing cubic as well as cylindrical
panoramas, the vast range of input formats it
can use and the variety of output fi les it can
create which includes Shockwave 3D, VRML
as well as QuickTimeVR. Unlike some of the
other packages Stitcher doesn’t require for the
user to input lens lengths or angles of view. The
individual images are ‘dragged and dropped’
into the work area where they are adjusted and
blended with a few simple clicks.

Panavue Image Assembler matches edge areas using
fl agged details that are common to the edges of
sequential photos

Previously released by MGI Photovista Panorama is now
being marketed and developed by iSeeMedia.

RealViz Stitcher is the professional’s choice when it comes
to a dedicated panorama creation program
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