Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Including foreground subject matter introduces
the illusion of depth through perspective and
the image starts to work on different planes.
Where the photographer is able to exploit lines
found in the foreground the viewer’s eye can
be led into the picture. Rivers, roads, walls
and fences are often used for this purpose.
By lowering the vantage point or angling the
camera down, the foreground seems to meet
the camera. A sense of the photographer
in, or experiencing the landscape can be
established. In the photograph below the
beach and cliff walls are included along with
the author’s own footsteps to establish a
sense of place.

Create a landscape utilizing foreground subject matter to create a sense of depth.
Discuss how the resulting image is likely to be read by the viewer.

Mark Galer

Mark Galer
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