essential skills: digital photography in available light
Multiple exposure More than one exposure in the same image fi le.
ND fi lter Neutral density fi lter.
Neutral density Filter to reduce exposure without affecting color.
Noise Electronic interference producing speckles in the image.
Normal lens Perspective and angle of view approximately equivalent to the
human eye.
Objective Factual and non-subjective analysis of information.
Opaque Does not transmit light.
Open up Increase lens aperture size.
Optimize The process of fi ne-tuning the fi le size and display quality of an
Out of gamut Beyond the scope of colors that a particular device can create,
reproduce or display.
Overall focus Image where everything appears sharp.
Overexposure Exposure greater than meter indicated exposure.
Panning Camera follows moving subject during exposure.
Perspective The illusion of depth and distance in two dimensions. The
relationship between near and far imaged objects.
Photograph Image created by the action of light and chemistry.
Pixel The smallest square picture element in a digital image.
Pixelated An image where the pixels are visible to the human eye and
curved or diagonal lines appear jagged or stepped.
Plane Focal plane.
Polarizing fi lter A fi lter used to remove polarized light.
Portrait Type of photograph or vertical image format.
Post-production editing Image enhancement or manipulation in editing software.
Posterization Visible steps of tone or color in the fi nal image due to a lack of
tonal information in a digital image fi le.
Preview Observing image at exposure aperture.
Previsualize The ability to decide what the photographic image will look like
before the exposure.
Primary colors The colors, red, green and blue.
RAW The unprocessed data recorded by a digital image sensor.
Sometimes referred to as camera RAW or the ‘digital negative’.
Refl ected Light coming from a refl ective surface.
Refl ection Specular image from a refl ective surface.