Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


capturing a story 210
environmental 191–202
format 68
lenses 195
Post-production editing 127–52
Posterization 9
Posture 199
Preview, depth of fi eld 82
Previsualization 103
Primary colors 99
Processing, image fi les 24
Production, panoramas 168–72
Projective approach 213
Prosumer digicams 5–7, 12

Quality of light 98
quality of refl ectors 114

Ratios, shooting 212
RAW format
camera 53–63
data processing 55
exposure 51
image transfer 22
landscapes 181
panoramas 166–7
previews 26–9
resolution 9
speed 4
Re-framing 106
Reading exposure levels 48–52
Realism 175, 176
RealViz Stitcher 169
Receptive style 211
Red-eye 119
Red fi lter 140
Refl ected readings 96
Refl ectors on location 114
Renaming batches 25
Resolution, EVF 16
Ricoh GR digital camera 14
Rils, Jacob 204
Romantic era 175
Rothstein, Arthur 187
Rule of thirds 71

Sales, photo-essays 216
Samsung Pro 815 camera 6

Saturation 128, 132
Saving images 54, 61
SBR see subject brightness range
environmental portraits 193
landscape 184
digital cameras 2
system 8–18
Selective focus 84
Selective metering 44
Semi-automatic camera limitations 89
Sensitivity rating see ISO
dynamic range 12
size 8–9
Sequential editing 130–9
brightness range 102
light 94
management 62
Shallow depth of fi eld 82
Sharpen tool 132
Sharpening, camera RAW format 58
direction of subject 199
panoramas 156–67
ratios 212
Shortcuts, keyboard 31
Shutter speeds
depth of fi eld 89
extended 88
fast 85
slow 87
exposure 42–3
priority 45
Single shots 160
Size of refl ectors 114
Skylight fi lters 184
Slow shutter speeds 87
Slow-sync fl ash 123
Smith, W. Eugene 205
Soft light
bend mode 148
quality of light 98
Sontag, Susan 174
Sony R1 camera 7, 10, 12, 13, 15
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