Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Dominant tones
If dark tones dominate the framed image the MIE will result in the dark tones being recorded as
midtones. Midtones will be recorded as light tones and any light tones may be overexposed. If
light tones dominate the framed image the meter indicated exposure will result in the light tones
being recorded as midtones. Midtones will be recorded as dark tones and dark tones may be
underexposed. If the midtones present in amongst these dominant dark or light tones are to be
recorded accurately the exposure must be either reduced (for dominant dark tones) or increased
(for dominant light tones) from the MIE.

The amount the exposure needs to be reduced or increased is dictated by the level of dominance
of these dark or light tones (see the chapter ‘Light > Exposure compensation’).

Photograph a subject requiring adjusted exposure from that indicated by the light meter. State
how the dominant tones would have affected the light meter reading and how the image would
have looked if you had not adjusted the exposure.

Black swan (dominant dark tones) MIE Decreased exposure

White wall (dominant light tones) MIE Increased exposure
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