Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Optimizing tonality
In a good histogram, one where a broad tonal range with full detail in the shadows and highlights is
present, the information will extend all the way from the left to the right side of the histogram. The
histogram below indicates missing information in the highlights (on the right) and a small amount
of ‘clipping’ or loss of information in the shadows (on the left).

Histograms indicating image is either too light or too dark

If the digital fi le is too light a tall peak will be seen to rise on the right side (level 255) of the
histogram. If the digital fi le is too dark a tall peak will be seen to rise on the left side (level 0) of the

Solution: Decrease or increase the exposure/brightness in the capture device.

If the contrast is too low the histogram will not extend to meet the sliders at either end.
If the contrast is too high a tall peak will be evident at both extremes of the histogram.

Solution: Increase or decrease the contrast of the light source used to light the subject. Using
diffused lighting rather than direct sunlight or using fi ll-fl ash and/or refl ectors will ensure that you
start with an image with full detail. Alternatively adjust the contrast setting of the capture device or
switch to shooting in Camera RAW if using a DSLR.

Histograms indicating image either has too much contrast or not enough

Light Dark

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