framing the image
Diagonal lines
Whether real or suggested, these lines are more dynamic than horizontal or vertical lines. Whereas
horizontal and vertical lines are stable, diagonal lines are seen as unstable (as if they are falling
over) thus setting up a dynamic tension or sense of movement within the picture.
Curved line is very useful in drawing the viewer’s eye through the image in an orderly way. The
viewer often starts viewing the image at the top left-hand corner and many curves exploit this.
Curves can be visually dynamic when the arc of the curve comes close to the edge of the frame
or directs the eye out of the image.
- Collect two examples of photographs where the photographer uses straight lines as an
important feature in constructing the pictures’ composition.
In addition fi nd one example where the dominant line is either an arc or S-curve.
Comment briefl y on the contribution of line to the composition of each example. - Create an image where the viewer is encouraged to navigate the image by the use of
suggested line and broken line between different points of interest. Discuss the effectiveness of
your design.
Shane Bell