Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

essential skills: digital photography in available light


When we view a fl at two-dimensional print which is a representation of a three-dimensional scene,
we can often recreate this sense of depth in our mind’s eye. Using any perspective present in
the image and the scale of known objects we view the image as if it exists in layers at differing
distances. Successful compositions often make use of this sense of depth by strategically placing
points of interest in the foreground, the middle distance and the distance. Our eye can be led
through such a composition as if we were walking through the photograph observing the points of
interest on the way.

In the image above our eyes are fi rst drawn to the fi gure occupying the foreground by use of
focus. Our attention moves along a sweeping arc through the bench to the people on the far left
side of the frame and fi nally to the distant fi gures and tower.
A greater sense of depth can be achieved by making optimum use of depth of fi eld, careful
framing, use of line, tone and color. In this way the viewer’s attention can be guided through an
image rather than just being drawn immediately to the middle of the frame, the point of focus and
the principal subject matter.

Create an image by placing subject matter in the foreground, the middle distance and the
distance in an attempt either to fi ll the frame or draw our gaze into the image. Discuss the
construction and design of your image.

Mark Galer
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