
(Barré) #1
The Semioethics Interviews III 189

Tønnessen, Morten and John Deely 2009. The Semioethics Interview I: John Deely: 'Tell me,
where is morality bred?'. Hortus Semioticus, number 4 (August 2009), pp. 57- 80
Zappfe, Peter Wessel 1993 [1933]. The last Messiah [Den sidste Messias, 1933]. Translated
by Sigmund Kvaløy and Peter Reed. Pp. 40-52 in Peter Reed and David Rothenberg (eds)
1993 : Wisdom in the Open Air: The Norwegian Roots of Deep Ecology. Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press.
— 1993 [1958]. Farewell, Norway [Farvel Norge]. Translated by Peter Reed. Pp. 52-59 in
Reed and Rothenberg (eds.) 1993: Wisdom in the Open Air: The Norwegian Roots of
Deep Ecology. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

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