
(Barré) #1

220 Abir U. Igamberdiev

harmonizing their interaction and making it organizationally invariant. The evolutionary
growth of information occurs via language game of interacting programs, an open process
without frames. The solutions coming to existence are based on the most optimal way for
physical embodiment of a semiotic process, and this comes in line with Leibniz‘s notion
about the most perfect world among all possible, which corresponds to contemporary
formulations of the anthropic principle. Possessing free will and consciousness, we may
accept this world as a suitable place for living or reject it (i.e. express optimistic or
pessimistic ethical views), but semiotically determined physical parameters of the world may
strictly correspond to its observability by embodied living organisms having internal semiotic
structure with alphabet and grammar, which generates a unique solution for the appearance of
free will and consciousness (Igamberdiev, 2004).


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