
(Barré) #1


Preface vii

Chapter 1 Signifying the Transition from Modern to Post-Modern Schooling
Through Analyzing Changes in the Material Culture of Schools 1
Kostas Dimopoulos

Chapter 2 Beyond Signification: The Co-Evolution of Subject and Semiosis 37
Tahir Wood

Chapter 3 Language, Emotion, and Health: A Semiotic Perspective on the
Writing Cure 65
Louise Sundararajan, Chulmin Kim, Martina Reynolds and
Chris R. Brewin

Chapter 4 Re-Thinking the Place of Semiotics in Psychology and its
Implications for Psychological Research 99
Agnes Petocz

Chapter 5 How Israelis Represent the Problem of Violence in Their Schools:
A Case Study of a Discursive Construction 149
Douglas J. Glick

Chapter 6 The Semioethics Interviews III: John Deely*: Human
Understanding in the Age of Global Awareness 171
Morten Tønnessen

Chapter 7 A Semiotics Discourse Analysis Framework: Understanding
Meaning Making in Science Education Contexts 191
Kamini Jaipal Jamani

Chapter 8 Semiotic Constraints of the Biological Organization 209
Abir U. Igamberdiev

Chapter 9 Corpus-Based Approaches to Metaphor and Metonymy: Review of
Stefanowitsch, Anatol, Gries, Stefan Th. (eds.) 223
Zhiying Xin

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