Manual of Clinical Nutrition

(Brent) #1
Mechanical Soft (Dental Soft) Diet

Manual of Clinical Nutrition Management A- 29 Copyright © 2013 Compass Group, Inc.

Beverages All None

Breads and Crackers Soft breads, rolls Breads with nuts, thick crusts
Plain crackers softened in soup or beverage Dry bread, toast, or tough bread
Pancakes, plain muffins Breads with raisins if not tolerated
Biscuits Hard crackers

Cereals and Grains Cooked cereals Cereals with raisins or nuts
Dry cereals
Pasta, noodles, rice
Moist bread dressing

Granola-type cereals
Coarse or dry cereals, such as
shredded wheat or All Bran

Vegetables and

Tender soft-cooked vegetables
Vegetable juices

Raw or cooked vegetables with
tough skins or seeds; fried or raw
vegetables; cooked corn

Fruits and Juices Fruit juices Fruit with tough skin if not tolerated
Ripe banana, melon, peeled peaches, pears (e.g., raw apple, dried fruit)
Cooked or frozen fruit; applesauce Fresh or raw strawberries
Stewed prunes; other tender stewed dried
Canned peaches, pears, apricots, pineapple,
fruit cocktail, citrus sections

Meat, Meat Substitutes, Tender meat, fish, or poultry Tough fibrous meats (e.g., sausage
Entrees Soft cheese casings)
Chopped or ground meats, poultry Fried eggs
Soft casseroles Yogurt with nuts or coconut
Meat, fish, or egg salads
Hard cooked or scrambled eggs
Smooth peanut butter; liverwurst
Yogurt without nuts or coconut

Fats All except those to avoid Fats with coarse, difficult-to-chew,
or chunky additives

Soups Most soups Soups with tough meats or

Desserts Cake, tender cookies Desserts containing nuts, coarse
Ice cream, sherbet, gelatin, custard, pudding,
frozen yogurt

dried fruit, or tough fruit
Deserts baked to a hard consistency
Pie: cream, custard, pumpkin, soft fruit
Flavored yogurt

Sugar and Sweets Soft candy Candy containing tough fruits or
Jelly, smooth jams nuts, hard candy

Diet following temporomandibular joint surgery: Foods such as breads, crackers, and cookies should be
broken into small pieces before eating to avoid biting down or widely opening the mouth. Foods that may not
be tolerated include: toast, unground meat, snack chips, foods containing coconut, and corn.
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