Art of the Classic Car

(lu) #1
hen it was introduced, this car seemed to embody
the future of the automobile. The 810 kept the front-
wheel-drive technolog y from earlier Cord cars but
wrapped it in a striking Art Deco–style body that
eschewed running boards and featured innovative,
crank-operated, concealed headlights. It was inten-
ded to slot above the Auburn and below the Duesenberg in the
marketplace, and was priced similarly to a Cadillac.
Gordon Miller Buehrig, an in-house designer for the
Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg company, directed the creation of
this beautiful car. In lieu of a separate front grille, the front of
the car was equipped with louvers that ran below the hood line
on one side of the car, wrapped around the front of the car and
down the other side, and ended at the cowl.


1936 Cord 810 Model C92 Beverly Sedan

Beverly Sedan

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