Art of the Classic Car

(lu) #1

Section II


nyone who has ever possessed a
convertible (and if you haven’t, I
recommend you make a point to
do so), knows that driving a car
with the top down completely
changes the experience of driv-
ing a car. Anyone who has spent their automotive
life caged within glass and steel can have no
comprehension of this—it’s something that
must be felt firsthand.
It’s not all wind-in-the-hair fun, though. You
are no longer immune to bird droppings, insect
attacks, sunburn, windburn, or the occasional
rock thrown up from the road. There’s nowhere
to hide from your fellow motorists or from
nearby pedestrians—you can see them better,

but they can see you better too. You’ll find that
open communication with your fellow man and
a timely smile go a long way.
It’s all part of the charm. With a convertible
you can smell the countryside as you drive by.
You can feel each microclimate as you wind
through a shaded forest road. You can hear the
river running alongside you, or the thunder in
the distance. And, needless to say, if you should
find yourself behind the wheel of any of the
classic convertibles featured in this section, your
top-down drive will only be enhanced as you
are conveyed by one of the most elegant vehicles
ever built. When you arrive at your destination
and climb out of one of these attention-grabbing
rides, take my advice and don’t forget to smile!


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