Manga Magic Drawing Manga Girls

(Martin Jones) #1


This style has a slightly more severe look, but it is still a pretty and neat hairstyle.
The hair is parted in a sharp divide and swept back behind the ears, leaving a nicely
exposed face. It’s not too fussy, so it could be used on an action-type character or
on a businesswoman. The hair is bright blue, but not too outlandish.

Draw a basic head
with eyes, nose,
mouth, and ear. Add
a center line on top of
the head.

From this line, create
a Cupid’s bow, from
which the hair falls
down to the ear level.

Add a couple of lines
to define the area
above the ear. Then
add large individual
spikes to the ends of
the hair on both sides.

Outline an area of
highlights on top of the
head on each side of
the center part.

Start to ink, outlining
the profile of the hair,
the center part, a cou-
ple of strands above
the ear, and a spike in
front of the ear.

Color the hair in shades
of blue. Leave the
highlights you outlined
white, then add pale blue
around them. Next make
areas of darker blue on
the ends of the hair.


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