Manga Magic Drawing Manga Girls

(Martin Jones) #1


This is a dramatic look with a windswept crown of thick spikes. It would indicate a
boyish, spunky female with a big personality. The white highlights on top of the head
emphasize the upsweep of the spikes behind the head.

Draw a head with
eyes, nose, mouth,
and ear. Work chunky,
short spiky bangs
across the head: only
create a few points.

Now create a spiky
profile around the
whole head, finishing
just below the ear.

Indicate an area of
highlights behind the
bangs, across the top
of the head.

Ink around the outline
of the hair, then ink the
spikes of the bangs.
Take this ink line up to
the jagged edge of the

Next outline the area
of highlights around
the crown and across
the spiky front.

Color your hairstyle
jet black. Work up to
the highlights you out-
lined. Leave a couple
of white areas so that
the spikes of the bangs
are seen as separate
from the hair.


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