Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

Marketing Resource #96: Become familiar with your local media
outlets. Call up your local television and/or radio station and get to
know the people there. Explore the possibility of taking part in a live
interview. Use your knowledge of the business to offer much-needed
information. Learn to think creatively; think outside the box.

Realize that Public Speaking is a Learned Talent
Public speaking is rather like writing in that you may feel you
have no skill or ability in this field. However, it is a talent that can
absolutely be learned. The wonderful thing about public speaking is that
your personality is totally involved. While the print medium (and even
your website) offers a limited scope of who you are, public speaking
opens the door even further. Once you connect favorably with an
audience, you now have a new group of “fans” who will want to do
business with you.
If this is an area you would like to explore, consider joining a
local Toastmasters International club. There are always several clubs in
every community. Not only will you learn speaking skills, but it’s
another great place to network and get yourself known.
Many doors will open to you once you feel comfortable at a
podium. You can conduct your own seminars, offer your speaking
services to church and civic groups, create your own infomercials, and
line up interview sessions on television and radio spots.

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