Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1
So here’s your action plan:

Step 1: Go to and set up your account for
your videos. This might take all of five minutes or less. Consider using
your website address or your business name as your YouTube username.
This presents a more professional appearance.
Step 2: Ask yourself this question: Who do you want to attract to
your marketing funnel? Grab a blank sheet of paper and begin to
brainstorm of all the ideas you have on what to shoot a video about.
Step 3: Now that you have selected your target market audience,
you will want to create a simple script on what to say. Be sure to set a
time limit on this. If you don’t, you’ll never get it out of the gate. I’d
say 30 minutes or less will do just fine.
Step 4: Will it be perfect? Absolutely not. You will probably
mess up, but that’s okay. Just get the video up and get it onto as quickly as possible. You can always delete it once you
get your next one out there. Like anything else in life, you will get
better and better with practice.

Sample Script
Below I’ve given you a simple script to use to get your first
video done:

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