Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1
Chapter 5:

Your Real Estate Investing Squeeze Pages

Marketing Resource #20: Build your own personalized Squeeze Pages
(or have them built) and see to it that it is filled with interactive features
that say “come on in” to the site visitor.

Your Squeeze Page is the Heart and Soul of Online Marketing
Personally, it’s difficult for me to imagine real estate investors in
this day and time trying to run their businesses without Squeeze Pages. I
know it is done, but as I said, it’s difficult for me to imagine being
efficient. And I say why make it any harder to do business then we have
Personalized Squeeze Pages are the heart and soul of your online
marketing thrust. Almost everything else you do both online and offline
can work in tandem by driving prospects to your Squeeze Page where
you will capture contact information and build your contact lists.
As with other aspects of technology, I find that some real estate
investors are intimidated by the thought of creating their own
personalized Squeeze Pages. By letting this intimidation have the last
say, these investors are missing out on one of the most powerful
marketing tools available today.

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