Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

This is also a great place to include testimonies from your
satisfied clients. If you have no testimonies, it can only be one of two
reasons: 1) You have as yet not completed any deals, or 2) You’re not
asking for positive feedback. Every time you close a deal, be sure to ask
for testimonies. Nothing speaks louder than a happy, satisfied client.
Don’t waste this important resource.

Add Resources
Add links on your Squeeze Page to other resources that
homebuyers, investors, or sellers may be interested in. This again shows
your concern and involvement in their success. A link to your personal
blog is also a great idea. (See more about blogs in Chapter 6.)
Here is where you will offer those free reports and, in doing so,
you will capture contact information and begin to build a quality list
(see Chapter 9).

Think of your Squeeze Page as your storefront. Here you are at
your best 24/7! A good website never sleeps, never takes a lunch break,
and never even takes a smoke break. This is the place were relationships
are created and built.
Now do you see why I can’t imagine an investor doing business
in today’s market without a website? It would be like a farmer still

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