Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

Use Your Knowledge to Write Articles
Because you have the Internet at your fingertips, you can become
a researcher to share information. Take those bits of information and
turn them into 300- to 500-word articles and get them out into
cyberspace. If that sounds boring and dead-end, let me give you clearer
There are numerous sites on the Net where articles are published
and distributed. Each article goes out with a resource box intact. That
resource box is created by the author of the article. It can contain your
personal and business bio, business information, and links to your blog
and/or Squeeze Pages.
People browsing the web go to these articles sites for information
the same way they might run a Google search. Additionally, people who
publish Ezines (online magazines) are always looking for great articles.
When they find one (through an article site) that they like, they
download it (resource box and all) and publish it in their Ezine. This is
called “viral” growth, because your resource information is growing
throughout the Internet like a virus—only in a good way.
The premier article site is They have
very strict guidelines stating that all articles are to be informational
only—no selling or promoting. No links are to be in the body of the
article, but in the resource box only. Other sites such as GoArticles and
ArticleDashboard allow links within the body of the article. Be sure to
read the guidelines and follow them to the letter!

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