Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

attractive and professional templates to choose from. You’ll be amazed
at how your professional your page will look.
When you first begin, you will be asked to create your user
profile. Here’s yet another opportunity to let the world know who you
are, an opportunity to create a status as an expert in your field.

Provide Useful Information
Give your readers information and insight into how to find the
right house, or tips to sell a house, or creative ways to find financing.
By offering visitors what they want, they will come back for more. Be
sure to add your website link at the bottom of every blog post.
Your personal blog site is an area you will not want to neglect.
Nothing can be more detrimental to your integrity as a neglected blog
site. If you see that you simply cannot carve out the time to keep it
updated, this is an area you will want to think about outsourcing (see
Chapter 10).

Action Step
Create your own personalized blog wherein you can expand your
online presence by offering quality information and needed resources.
You can upload videos, create links, and funnel visitors to your Squeeze

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