Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

When the deposed pharaoh invaded Egypt, Cleopatra (3)
sentout a military force and pushed Ptolemy IX Soter II
back to Cyprus. Ptolemy X Alexander I assassinated
Cleopatra (3) shortly after, having grown tired of her

Cleopatra (4)(fl. first century B.C.E.) Royal woman of
the Ptolemaic Period
She was the daughter of PTOLEMY VIII EUERGETES IIand
Queen CLEOPATRA (3), and she married her brother,
PTOLEMY IX SOTER II(r. 116–107, 88–81 B.C.E.). This mar-
riage was quickly declared invalid by her mother, Cleopa-
tra (3), and Cleopatra (4) was deposed.

Cleopatra (5) Selene(fl. first century B.C.E.)Royal
woman of the Ptolemaic Period
A daughter of PTOLEMY VIII EUERGETES II and Queen
CLEOPATRA (3), she married PTOLEMY IX SOTER II (r.
116–107, 88–81 B.C.E.). He had wed CLEOPATRA(4), his
sister, but was forced to put her aside for CLEOPATRA(5)
Selene, also his sibling. She endured Ptolemy’s exile in
CYPRUSand his restorations.

Cleopatra (6) Tryphaina (fl. first century B.C.E.)
Royal woman of the Ptolemaic Period
She was an illegitimate daughter of PTOLEMY IX SOTER II
and married her brother, PTOLEMY XII NEOS DIONYSUS(r.
80–58, 55–51 B.C.E.). Raised to the throne by the courtiers
and councilors, the royal couple was hailed throughout
Egypt. Ptolemy XII, however, was also called Auletes, the
Flutist. He was dedicated to the arts and ecstasy and was a
mere pawn of Rome. A younger brother of the royal cou-
ple had been made king of CYPRUS, but he was deposed in
58 B.C.E., when the Roman Cato took Cyprus for Rome.
The brother killed himself, sparking riots in ALEXANDRIA.
Ptolemy XII fled from Egypt, leaving Cleopatra (6)
Tryphaina with their children. Cleopatra (6) Tryphaina
had been removed from her royal rank in 69 B.C.E. and
welcomed her return to the throne but died soon after. She
was the mother of CLEOPATRA VIIand PTOLEMY XIIIand XIV.

Cleopatra VII (Thea, Philopator)(d. 30 B.C.E.)Last
ruler of the Ptolemaic Period
She was the daughter of PTOLEMY XII NEOS DIONYSUS,
called Auletes, and Queen CLEOPATRA (6) TRYPHAINA.
Cleopatra VII married her brother, PTOLEMY XIII(r. 55–47
B.C.E.), whom she had learned to despise for his weak-
nesses. She served as coregent with her father from 88 to
51 B.C.E. and then ruled with her brother, who exiled her
from ALEXANDRIAin 48 B.C.E.
POMPEYthe Great had served as a guardian for the
couple, and he arrived in Egypt when he fled from Julius
CAESAR. Pompey was slain by Ptolemy XIII’s courtiers,
who believed the murder would placate Julius Caesar,
known to be hunting his enemy. Caesar arrived soon after

and restored Cleopatra VII to the throne. Caesar then
became involved in the BATTLE OF THE NILE, which
resulted in Ptolemy XIII’s death. The Roman general
remained in Alexandria, and Cleopatra VII bore him a
In 46 B.C.E., Cleopatra VII visited Caesar in Rome,
and when he was assassinated she fled to Egypt.
Her younger brother,PTOLEMY XIV(r. 47–44 B.C.E.) had
served for a time as Cleopatra VII’s regent, but she had
him killed in 44 B.C.E. and put her son, Ptolemy XV, on

84 Cleopatra

A relief depicting Cleopatra VII, the last ruler of the Ptolemaic
Period, who committed suicide in 30 B.C.E.(Hulton Archive.)
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