Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1
418 Tutu

His mummified remains show that he had well-mani-
cured fingernails, pierced ears, and a full head of hair.
Tuthmosis IV’s feet were broken off by tomb robbers who
were looking for golden amulets and jewels in his
mummy wrappings. His remains were found in the cache
in the tomb of AMENHOTEP II.

Tutu(fl. 14th century B.C.E.) Diplomatic official of the
Eighteenth Dynasty
He served AKHENATEN (Amenhotep IV; r. 1353–1335
B.C.E.) as a chamberlain, minister of protocol, and diplo-
mat. Tutu served at ’AMARNAand was mentioned in the
correspondence of the era. His tomb in ’Amarna was
unfinished, but it was designed elaborately and contained
reliefs of Akhenaten. Rock-cut, the tomb appears as a
MASTABA. The mortuary displays depict Tutu’s honors,
court scenes, and religious rites.

Tuya(fl. 13th century B.C.E.)Royal woman of the Nine-
teenth Dynasty
She was the consort of SETI I(r. 1306–1290 B.C.E.) and
the mother of RAMESSES II(1290–1224 B.C.E.). A com-
moner, Tuya was the daughter of a military commander
of chariots, RAIA, and his wife, also named Raia. She mar-
ried Seti I before he came to the throne and bore a son
who died young. Tuya was also the mother of Princesses
TIA(1) and HENUTMIRÉ. She outlived Seti I and was hon-
ored by Ramesses II. Statues of Tuya were uncovered at
died in the 22nd or 23rd regnal year of Ramesses II.
Her tomb in the VALLEY OF THE QUEENSin THEBESwas
a great sepulcher with a stairway to subterranean levels.
A vestibule, annexes, and a burial chamber compose the
structure of the tomb. The sarcophagus in the burial
chamber was fashioned out of pink granite.

Twin Souls They were two deities who were believed
to have met in the TUAT, or the Underworld. The Twin
Souls are RÉand OSIRISin their supernatural forms, merg-
ing to replenish their life forces. The Twin Souls of Ré
and Osiris joined every night while Ré was journeying
through the Tuat. After a battle with the evil serpent
APOPHIS(1), Ré was considered renewed by his associa-
tion with Osiris.

Two Companions of the Sacred Heart Divine
beings associated with the cosmological traditions and
with the cult of the god RÉ, the companions resided on
the original PRIMEVAL MOUND, the point of creation, and

they accompanied Ré in that instant. They were depicted
with reverence on the walls of the temple at EDFUin
Upper Egypt. Their names were WAand AA.

Two Dog Palette It is a Predynastic carving presented
to the temple of HORUSat HIERAKONPOLIS, c. 3000 B.C.E.
The palette is now in the Ashmolean Museum of Oxford.

Two Fingers This was a cultic symbol depicting the
index and medius fingers and used as an amulet for both
living and dead. The fingers represent the divine digits of
the god HORUSwhen he ascended to the heavens on a
LADDER. Horus aided OSIRISin the ascent of the ladder by
offering him his fingers as support.

Two Ladies It was the name given to two goddesses of
Egypt: NEKHEBETand WADJET, or BUTO. Shown as a VUL-
TUREand a cobra, the goddesses were the patronesses of
Upper and Lower Egypt.

Twosret (Sitrémeritamun)(d. c. 1196 B.C.E.)Queen-
pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty
She ruled from 1198 B.C.E. until her death. The widow of
SETI II, having been a secondary wife, and the mother of
Seti-Merenptah, Twosret served as the regent for the heir,
SIPTAH. He disappeared after five or six years, and she
ruled in her own right, assisted by her counselor, BAY,
who was a foreigner who had usurped power. Her reign
did not last long, because she had no popular support,
and the later Ramessids struck her name from the royal
Twosret built a handsome tomb in the VALLEY OF THE
KINGS, but SETHNAKHTE, the founder of the Twentieth
Dynasty, usurped it. Several reliefs remain, as well as seals
of her reign and a sandstone stela. The mummy of Twos-
ret was apparently destroyed by Sethnakhte when he took
her tomb for his own burial. There are no portraits of
Twosret. She may have been a daughter of MERENPTAH.
She was actually involved in resource sites in the SINAI
and in Palestine, and she built at HELIOPOLISand at
THEBES. A small cache of jewels was discovered in her

Typhonean Animal It is the name given to the crea-
ture called the SET Animal in Egypt. The animal was
depicted as a recumbent canine with the ears of a donkey
and an elongated tail. The Typhonean neck was long and
decorated with golden rings. A pectoral found at DASHUR
displayed this creature.
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