Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1



Zanakht See NEBKA.

Zannanza(fl. 14th century B.C.E.)Ill-fated prince of the
The son of the Hittite king SUPPILULIUMAS I(d. c. 1325
B.C.E.), he was sent to Egypt in response to the marriage
offer made by Queen ANKHESENAMON, the daughter of
AKHENATEN and the widow of TUT’ANKHAMUN (r.
1333–1323 B.C.E.). Ankhesenamon offered her throne to
the HITTITESif they would send a prince to wed her.
Prince Zannanza made the journey but was killed at the
border, probably by command of HOREMHAB (r.
1319–1307 B.C.E.), then a general of the armies. This
event impacted on Egypt’s relations with the Hittites in
future reigns and brought about the death of Suppiluliu-
mas I.

Zatatna(fl. 14th century B.C.E.) Prince of Accho, modern
Acre, in Israel
Zatatna wrote to AKHENATEN(r. 1353–1335 B.C.E.), asking
for aid in defending his lands. Zatatna accused another
king, Labayu of Sechem, of plotting his downfall. No aid
was sent to Accho. The correspondence of Zatatna is part

Zawiet el-Amwat It was a site on the eastern shore
of the Nile, north of BENI HASAN, that served as an
early necropolis. The site was called “the Place of the
Dead.” A step pyramid from the Third Dynasty
(2649–2575 B.C.E.), trapezoid in design and covered
with masonry, was discovered there. There are also 19
tombs on the site associated with HEBENU(modern Kom

el-Ahmar) in the Oryx nome. Six of these tombs date to
the Old Kingdom Period (2575–2134 B.C.E.). Also pre-
sent is the Eighteenth Dynasty (1550–1307 B.C.E.) tomb
of Nefersekheru.

Zawiet el-Aryan This is a site south of GIZA, on the
edge of the desert, containing two pyramids and a tomb
dating probably to the Third Dynasty (2649–2575 B.C.E.).
The northern pyramidal monument, now listed as “the
Unfinished Pyramid,” may have been built by NEBKA(r.
2649–2630 B.C.E.), and it is called “Nebka is a Star.” The
lavish decorations of the monument, however, lead to a
belief that it was actually constructed in a later reign. The
substructure and enclosing wall were started and then
abandoned. The second monument is called the LAYER
PYRAMIDand was built out of small stone blocks. The
tomb nearby contained eight stone bowls inscribed with
seals of KHA’BA(r. 2603–2599 B.C.E.), and it is believed
that this was his mortuary monument.

Zenodotus(fl. c. 280 B.C.E.)First director of the Library
of Alexandria
He was appointed director of the LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRIA
for life by PTOLEMY I SOTER(r. 304–284 B.C.E.). Zenodotus
was from Ephesus, in modern Turkey, and he was invited
to Egypt where he became the tutor to PTOLEMY II

Zenon(fl. third century B.C.E.)Carian Greek serving
Egypt in the Ptolemaic Period
He served PTOLEMY II PHILADELPHUS(r. 285–246 B.C.E.).
Zenon was an assistant to the treasurer Apollonius. He
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