Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

a’akh a spirit freed from the bonds of the flesh.

A’amu the name given to the Asiatics, particularly the

A’aru a paradise beyond the grave.

a’asha the word for the jackal, also auauor sab.

Abaton the Pure Mound of creation.

Abuor ab the name of the elephant, ivory, and
Elephantine Island.

afnet the head covering of gods and pharaohs.

akhet the season of inundation.

akhet the symbol of the horizon.

Akh-iker-en-Ré ancestors, termed “the excellent depart-
ed ones in Ré.”

Alashya the Egyptian name for Cyprus.

Amenti the eternal domain of the dead in the West.

ames a scepter formed as a club.

ankh the ansate cross, the symbol of life.

Ankh-tawy or Ankh-taui a name for old Memphis, “the
Life of the Two Lands.”

aser the tamarisk tree.

aut funerary offerings made to the deceased.

auta the cobra in a sitting position.

ba the human or divine soul.

ba’a en pet copper from heaven, a meteorite.

ba’ankh a soul in paradise, living again.

bain-a’abtiu souls transformed into baboons to greet the

Bakhau the mythical “Land of the Sunrise.”

bay a surveying instrument.

bekhenet the pylon style of gates.

Bedawi the Bedouins of the Sinai, also called baduor

benben the pyramidal rays of the sun as a symbol.

Bennu the phoenix-like sacred bird.
berget the stone Peridot.
bia the resource called hematite.
bik the falcon.
Biya “the Honey Man,” the ruler of Lower Egypt before
booza the name of beer, also called heneket.
byssus the finest grade linen.
deben an Egyptian weight unit.
desheru “the Red Ones,” the Followers of Set.
deshret the red basket crown of the Delta Bee Kings.
Deshret the termfor the desert lands.
djeba the reed perch used at the moment of creation.
djed a pillar associated with Osiris.
djeseru-djeseru the sanctuary or Holy of Holies.
erpati hati’o the nome aristocrats or nobles.
Geswaret the name of the mythical creation site, called
“the Island of Trampling.”
hat the physical human heart.
heb the Egyptian term for festival.
heb-sed the royal festival commemorating three decades
of rule.
hedj (1) the word for agate, also called ka.
hedj (2) the word for limestone.
Hedj (3) the color white.
Hedjerew “the Great White One,” a sacred baboon.
hedjet the white war helmet of Upper Egypt.
heka (1) the word for magical power.
heka (2) the crook carried by a pharaoh.
heker an Egyptian decoration.
hemaget the name for garnet.
hemt the name for copper.



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