Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

herset the name given to carnelian.

herset-hedji the name for chalcedony.

Heru-Shemsu the followers of Horus.

hes used with purification, the name for baptism.

hesmen the name for amethyst.

Hiku-Ptah the mansion of the soul of Ptah, Memphis.

ibhety the name given to marble.

ibu the site of mortuary embalming.

Ikhemu-Seku “the Stars that Never Fail” (polar stars).

Ikhemu-Weredu “the Never Resting Stars” (planets in

Ineb-Hedj “the White Walled,” Memphis.

Intiu the Egyptian aboriginal inhabitants before unifica-
tion, c. 3000 B.C.E.

irgeb the name for mica.

Iset “the Seat,” associated with the goddess Isis.

isfet the word for chaos or disorder.

iunu the word for pillar.

ka the astral being that accompanies humans on earth
and in eternity.

kapet the name for incense.

kenbet a court system of Egypt.

ketj the color yellow.

khaibit the spiritual essence freed at death.

khat an altar or table of offerings.

khatru the name of the mongoose.

khay to shine forth, as a god or as a pharaoh.

khem the color black.

Khemet Egypt, the Black Land.

khenmet the name for jasper.

khepesh the sickle-shaped military sword.

khephresh the military crown, fashioned out of elec-

khesbed the color blue.

khesbedj the name for lapis lazuli.

Kush the Egyptian word for Nubia (modern Sudan).

ma’at the system of individual serenity and common

ma’at kheru “True of Voice,” the dead worthy of par-
ma’au a large cat.
magat the ladder of Osiris.
Mandet the morning bark of Ré.
Manu the mythological mountain site, called “the Land
of Sunset.”
mat the name for gravesite.
mat-en-Abu the name of the Aswan granite.
mefkat the name for turquoise.
mekes the royal scepter, flat at one end.
mekhemnet the name for jasper.
menat the counterweight amulet of fertility.

mentet the name for diorite.
menu-hedj the name for quartz.
menu-kem the name for obsidian.
merkhet an astral survey guide.
meska the hide of a bull, a royal symbol.
Mesu-betesht the Followers of Horus.
mesut “the time of birth,” the rising of the night stars.

miwor mau also mut,the cat or kitten.
Mut-netjier “the Mother of the Gods,” a term applied to
muu a dwarf, also called nemor hua.
neb an act of prostration or obeisance.
nefer a termmeaning good and beautiful.

Nehet the sycamore tree.
nekhakha the flail used in royal rites.
nerau Egyptian vulture.
neshmet the name of feldspar.
netcher a deity symbol used on temple flags.
neter a deity or a power.
neterit a deity’s town or temple.

neter nefer the name for the pharaoh.
nub the name for gold; nub neferif high grade.
nuheh the word for eternity, also shennu.
nunu the waters of chaos before creation.

440 Glossary

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